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Ashlee Haze for Poetry Magazine

Poetry magazine

Ashlee Haze debuts video and text poem for “Temple” in the May issue of Poetry Magazine.


city of atlanta

Ashlee Haze pens haiku for city of atlanta call for art on the covid-19 pandemic

how is art not
essential when it is the 

first thing we reach for?

my mom lives 40
minutes away- it will take
a year to get there

poets are public
servants- we can see the wounds
doctors tend to miss

I am a voyeur
to my own city- I know
better than to touch

kindness is the type
of currency that survives
a market crashing

it feels like a sort
of betrayal-making art while
the world is on fire

tell me the name of
who you will run to first when
this is all over

I watched the earth
take a deep breath today- it
did not cough after

making space for both
grief and gratitude- they have
learned to coexist

I have learned so much
about how to touch people
when I can’t hold them